Wednesday 24 September 2014

sick baby prayer request

Today is day six of Emma's fever and the first in six days that she and I have left the house. On day 1, her fever was 103.2F. Yesterday I thought for sure she was coming out of it since her fever stayed at 99.9F for most of the day. Yesterday night, however, a rash encompassed her torso and her fever was at 102.3F.

We took her to the pediatrician today. This particular doc hasn't seen her since she was teeny. The doc is Hndu and had shaved her head of its lovely black locks. It's so odd that even doctors believe in folklore - she donated her hair to an idol who is perpetually indebted to other idols. Her hair was sold by the temple to help that idol pay his debts. Just odd. This lady isn't a hack, she's a legit MD, but takes stock in these fears and hopes of the Hndu culture surrounding her. 

Anyway, after telling us that dengue fever is on the rise and that we need lab work before she can diagnose anything, we were sent to the lab where poor lil Emma had two vials of blood drawn, two swabs taken for strep cultures to be done, and a bag taped over her essentials to collect a urine sample that we are to return to them in a little container after the urine bag has been filled.

Bless her heart. Please pray that she will be well soon. She was so brave today. 

Here is a cute recent photo of her eating a pepperoncini pepper from Papa Johns (3 days ago). It helped clear her stuffy sinuses a bit and she loves sampling odd new tastes, especially spicy ones. :)

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