Saturday 20 September 2014

a rainbow after the storm

My disappearance from the blogging world directly corresponds to the death of our unborn child. We found out we were pregnant last February. On the last day of March, we had reason to suspect something was wrong and it was confirmed at the hospital that our baby no longer had a heartbeat. I had heard that little heart on a sonogram three weeks before, but our baby was gone.

Every family processes things differently. Every community processes things differently. Both we and our community failed to be helpful at times. Fallen people; fallen world.

Anyway, here we are five and a half months later. It has been seven months since my last blog... I wanted to wait to give some good news before writing again. 

I want to introduce you to baby #3, our Little Baby, as we've been referring to him/her. We are 15.5 weeks along today (Saturday)! How exciting to be in the second trimester! 

Our little baby is due on March 10, 2015, allegedly. Hopefully, (s)he will be a week early, like Emma was! 

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!! :) So happy for you! And cutest announcement ever! :)
