Emma was born at 7lbs3oz and 20" long. Now, at two months old (nearly), she is 13lbs1oz and 22" long! We have retired her newborn jersey and the 0-3 months sized clothing is snug. Her three month clothing has a tailored fit and 6 month clothing fits comfortably with space to squirm. We have also retired her napper that was in her crib because she is too long for it.
Emma maintains head control for seconds of time when held looking over my shoulder. She rolled from her tummy to her back. When on her tummy she can support her upper body with forearms and push her head up to 90 degrees with her chin perpendicular to the floor. She can also do a micro-push-up from that position, elevating her rib cage and elbows off the floor. This morning (3/30/2013) she shifted with her arms and legs while on her tummy so she could be facing a light-up toy that was at her hip's side in the crib - she was facing it with her head nearly up against it once she stopped moving.
Emma can bring both hands to her mouth to suck them, puts her index finger in her mouth, rubs her eyes when sleepy, grasps an object that touches her hand, though she doesn't yet reach for one. She is fascinated with her hands.
Emma calms herself by sucking her hand, cries when left alone, is more attached to Mommy and Daddy than to others, recognizes Mommy as food source, enjoys social interactions in limits (no more than 2 minutes of non-stop interaction).
Emma coos, gurgles, squeals with glee, and grins when smiled at or talked to. She cries to indicate her different needs and stops crying when she knows we've guess her need correctly (e.g., when placed on the changing table, when picked up and adjusted to feeding position). She enjoys experimenting with how loud she can joyfully scream in the morning.