Thursday, 30 May 2013

The price of climate fall

We thought the mosquitoes were still dead and after the rain it was so nice out and so we left all the windows and doors open to let the cooler air inside (it was low 80s yesterday but to us that felt like the low 70s after all this 100+F weather)!

Well, at 9pm we realized we weren't alone having both received one bite each. It is almost 5am as Emma plays, bite free and wide awake from all her sleep during the fever yesterday. Yes, the fever is gone! Praise the Lord! I just killed a mosquito, am on the lookout for more mosquitoes, and am applying cortisone to my 9 bites. Husband is asleep with 1(+?) bite. 

You shall not prevail, foul mosquito!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Baby's first fever

She has her first ever fever today due to getting her shots yesterday.  It is 100.7F and declining, grandmas, no need to fret.  She is taking it well, too, as you can see!  :)

Rain's a comin'

Praise the Lord that monsoon is on the horizon!  It rained today and you could feel the temperature drop before the rain did!  It was glorious!  Somehow 80F felt ten degrees lower than it would have back in the States after so many nights in the upper 90s.  

So, when we returned from the pediatrician where little one got two shots, we opened most of the windows and let the breeze cool off the apartment.  It was so nice just feeling the cooler air and lounging and chatting.  Even Emma felt soothed as the breeze made post-shot snuggling less sweaty for her!  

I will say this about hot season, though: it has zero mosquitoes and great mangoes!  There is a gift in every season!  :)

Monday, 20 May 2013

Our quiet moment

There is a quiet moment every morning that could soothe any bump leftover from the previous day. I put warm water in her tub and shut off the A/C and fan. I turn on calming music and pick up our little birthday-suited beauty. After a cuddle and a peek in the mirror at the little grinner staring back at us, she is dipped into the warm water. The bath is at the foot of our bed and a hooded towel lies on the foot of the bed with her diaper, her creams, and an outfit. At first, she stands in the tub, because with my help she CAN stand there. She grins and sinks into the water. Her feet kick to and fro and splash the bedroom tile floor. Her face glistens as a drop of water runs down her dimpled cheek. We meet eyes and the grin widens. The music crescendos over her adorably soaped hair and she joins the song with splashes, coos, and vocal smiles. After all of her 14 fat rolls have been washed out, she stands and is placed in her towel. Her face is like the sunrise in this quiet moment as she slowly grins into a wide-mouthed smile. A diaper is donned and the hooded darling is cuddled and fed. This is my favorite time of every day!

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Mothers Day

What a great Mothers Day! I've been thoroughly spoiled by my husband and baby! When I woke up to feed Emma this morning Matt woke up also and made breakfast. During breakfast he brought a poster out that had photos on it of Emma with thank you notes on them. He also took us to a five star Italian Sunday brunch after church. It was awesome! Emma reached for my fingers for the first time by herself to hold them and smiled! oh how that warmed my heart! They had live music and the guitarist sang songs my dad and mom used to sing to me when I was young! When we got home, we were so full that we all took a 2-hour nap. Then, when we woke up, Emma gave me her gifts--rolling over from her back to her tummy multiple times! She has only been able to roll from her tummy to her back before today. When she learns to do both, she'll be able to travel all by herself... My big little one is so independent and very proud of her new tricks! She sat at the restaurant on the couch and just beamed with pride that she wasn't slumping much... So sweet! It was an awesome day!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Why can't we be friends?

Auntie Karen was very happy today that little Emma not only happily went to her, but also chit-chatted and played with her throughout our language lesson.

Emma was a little slow to warm with Karen, especially during the days when Daddy was also in the house. Now that Daddy goes for coffee during our class, Auntie Karen will lift her veil so we can see her face! It is not allowed for her to have her veil lifted in a man's presence unless he is a very close relative. this is part of her belief system.

Emma is no longer intimidated by her veiled friend and shares smiles and squeals with her. Today, she spent much of the class in auntie's arms. Karen even gave Emma her own personal Urdu lesson. :)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Baby's first kiss

Today was another free day... Well, it was 2.5 hours of time with a friend in a coffee shop. The little one stayed home with her daddy. What a refreshing time to be with another woman and talk through our lives here! Not to mention, this was an English conversation with an adult! Most of my conversations with females these days are in my third language with my tutor or in motherese with the little one.

Upon returning, I grabbed my little wonder from her daddy and smothered her cheeks and chins with kisses. Much to my surprise, she returned the affection! My jawline and chin was met with her open mouth and repeatedly pecked and sucked. I took it to mean, "I love/miss you, Mama. Now, how about feeding me?!"

Here is a picture of one of those kisses, and some pictures from my time out of the nest.